At Phoenix, we firmly believe that recruitment is a professional service- consultative, professional, value-add and solutions-focused.
Our search consultants are experts in professional services careers- many of whom are professionally qualified and have worked in global advisory firms.
Meet our Phoenix Family to find out more...
1. Tell us a bit about yourself - what's your background?
I'm a proud Donegal man, who moved to Dublin many years ago and still haven't lost the accent! I completed a Law degree and ultimately qualified as a solicitor. I trained and practiced in a leading commercial firm in Dublin, before making the transition to recruitment.
I recently joined Phoenix as Team Lead within the Legal and Compliance practice.
2. Why recruitment?
I realised early on in my days as a trainee solicitor that a career in law probably wasn't for me but I waited until I qualified before I made a decision as to what I wanted to do. The part about being a solicitor that I enjoyed the most was getting to interact with different people on a daily basis and I figured a career in sales of some sort could be a great fit for me.
After doing some research and seeking the advice of close friends and family I decided that a career as a legal recruiter would be a good move for me and luckily I was right!
3. What aspect(s) of your professional legal career do you find most beneficial to your legal recruitment career?
I would say definitely market knowledge is a huge factor, many legal recruiters start out their careers without a clue about the different firms or practice areas and are at an obvious disadvantage from the outset, I was able to hit the ground running. Another one would be my large network of contacts that I can tap into when sourcing candidates, who knew all of those nights out in Blackhall would pay off! And lastly, credibility, lawyers like to have honest conversations with people who have been in their shoes and really know what they are talking about.
4. What are the most rewarding aspects of recruitment?
I think when you know you've added value. Be it to a candidate in their career or a client trying to build a team or simply replace a valuable employee. Knowing that you've made someone's life a bit, or sometimes a lot, easier is definitely a nice feeling.
5. What top three traits or characteristics are crucial for a successful career in recruitment in your opinion?
Hard work - Sounds a bit simple but you get out what you put in!
Resilience - Rejection is part of the job in recruitment and you need thick skin. Learning not to take things personally is essential.
Confidence - You definitely don't want to be arrogant or anything like it but you need to believe that you can really add value when cold calling clients.
6. Why #PhoenixFamily?
I wanted the opportunity to develop my skills as a recruiter and to carve out a career path in a high-performing, collaborative and supportive environment, Phoenix provides that. We are lucky to have a great team of highly experienced recruiters, many of whom have worked in the area they now recruit for. Phoenix offers a client and candidate experience on par with any of the other professional services.
7. What are your biggest professional and personal achievements to date?
My biggest professional achievement is making the career change to recruitment and making a success of it.
Personally, finishing my first (and last!) triathlon last year without drowning!
8. To any qualified legal professional considering a career move and/or career change - what's your top piece of advice ?
Trust your gut and don't be afraid to ask those closest to you for advice. If you aren't happy in your career there are always alternative paths, particularly for people with such a strong qualification.